The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Holocaust Not an Aberration

Dear editor:

Pope Benedict is to be commended for his stand on denouncing a Bishop of the Church who claimed that the Holocaust never happened. There are many hateful Holocaust deniers worldwide and his Holiness’s stand on this matter is refreshing..

On top of this level of hate mongers are those who want to rewrite history claiming that the Shoah (Holocaust) was strictly a Nazi affair and that history had nothing to do with this 20th century horror.

For those who claim the Holocaust was an aberration of Nazi Germany and has nothing to do with both ancient and Christian history fail to acknowledge what has truly happened over the course of human history. No minority has ever faced such a history of prejudice and slaughter in the name of religion, not Christians, African Americans, Palestinians, Muslims or others who claim their own “Holocaust.” It is amazing that Jews still exist after thousands of years of subjugation.

The Pharaohs enslaved (Jews) in Egypt, the Assyrians grabbed their northern kingdom (Israel), Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia destroyed the rest of their kingdom (Judah) and carted off ten thousand valuable Jewish captives into “Babylonian Exile,” the Greeks and Persians oppressed and despised them, the Romans deprived them of their homeland in Palestine and dispersed them all over the ancient world, Muslim fanatics periodically descended upon them, Christian crusaders slaughtered thousands of them before embarking on their holy mission, the Inquisition expelled them from Iberia (and most other European countries,) the Catholic church and many of its “saints” called them the sons of the devil and called for their death, Poles and Russians viciously massacred them in genocidal pogroms, and the Germans consummated this long harvest of hate by annihilating six million of them in the Holocaust. Hitler didn’t invent the “ghetto,” which is an Italian word and was first developed in that country many centuries before the Holocaust. Muslim countries have always treated Jews as second class citizens due to the anti-Semitism they learned from Europeans many centuries ago and had nothing to do with today’s Israel/Palestinian conflict.

The Shoah (Holocaust) was not just a bump in modern history as many claim, and anti-Judaism still exists. Just look at the Middle East and Europe today. There must be a reason in all of this for Judaism to have lived thru all of this hatred and bigotry and still exist today.


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