The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Burning the Koran

The president has missed a major opportunity for showing strong leadership, which has been a problem for his presidency. There are times to be understanding and timid in your statements and then there are times to show strength and absolutism. Too often he shows the former and comes across as weak and ineffective as a leader, which he definitely is not. Salesmanship is not his calling.

A piddling little so called “Christian” church in Gainesville, FL with an overpowering membership of about 50 has stated, thru its pastor Terry Jones, that it will hold a burning of the Holy Koran on its front lawn on 9/11. This plan has started a Muslim firestorm worldwide, spreading further the claim that America hates all people of that faith and are out to destroy it.

While this is drawing condemnation from top U.S. officials and religious leaders, including the White House, the State Department and Gen. David H. Petraeus, who warned Tuesday that it could endanger U.S. troops in the Muslim world, there has not been an “in person” word from the president. Yes, his press secretary said the president is against this burning, but he himself has not gone public. That’s the problem.

This was the time for the president to demand radio and TV time to tell America and the world that the United States of America condemns this action. It would take exactly 5 minutes to separate our government from the Florida fanatics and show that while we believe in freedom of religion we do not cotton to bigots. And he should say this in the most unequivocal and forceful terms. Anything short of this will not do.


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