The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wild West University

Dear editor:

In Sunday’s (May 17th) American Press there was a letter supporting the bill that approves of an adult who has a ‘right to carry permit’ to carry a concealed weapon on a college campus. The writer’s opinion in this letter is bolstered by a possible scenario of a deranged person entering a classroom and starts shooting. His possible story continues with someone else in the classroom also had a concealed weapon and shot the assailant before others were killed. That’s a wonderful wishful ending. But what if both were poor shots and bullets started to fly back and forth killing even more people than ever? That’s also a very real possibility. One which we surely wouldn’t want.

Consider a second possible scenario that also happens on a college campus. Saturday night after a winning football game and students are celebrating with a beer and booze bust. Two “adult” students (both with a right to carry permit) get into a friendly drunken argument that gets out of hand and before anyone knows it, guns appear and the bullets start to fly, not only at them but at others. It could happen.

Or how about the student who gets a grade lower than he (or she) thought he was going to get, rushes to complain to the professor about the mark, loses his temper, pulls out his “right to carry” concealed weapon and shoots and kills the instructor. Once again it could happen.

More weapons will not solve problems on a college campus, but rather increase the possibility of tragedy. Surely we don’t want to live in the old wild west, which could be the result of all of these guns on campus.

Of course our Congress in Washington is also trying to up the ante by considering passing a law that will allow weapons in national parks. What’s the chance of someone mistaking a hiker for an animal and firing at it. Couldn’t happen? Better not go to the park with Dick Cheney.

What it all boils down to is that our representatives locally and nationally bend to the will of the gun lobby (NRA) in this country because of the need for money in election and re-election campaigns. It is almost as if our representatives are owned by that lobby and will do nothing to endanger the money tree. This has nothing to do with second amendment rights (as our governor claims), gun sports and home protection, but rather with good old fashion money and how it is doled out.

Putting guns into the hands of young students on campus won’t protect anyone and won’t preserve the second amendment to the constitution. It will only lead to terrible tragedy.


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