The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Muslim Boycott?

Dear editor:

Recently Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khomenei urged the Muslim World to boycott anything that originates with the Jewish people.  That might be a problem for them. 

Because: Any Muslim who has Syphilis cannot be cured by Salvarson discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. Even the Wasserman Test that tests for the disease was discovered by a Jew; Digitalis for heart disease was discovered by Ludwig Traube, a Jew; Should the Muslim have a toothache he can’t use Novocaine for it was discovered by Jews, Widal and Weil; Insulin for Diabetes was the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew; Oscar Leibreich, a Jew first used Chloral Hydrate for convulsions; Jewish Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram found treatment for ear and brain damage; Anti-polio vaccine for Infantile Paralysis (Polio) was discovered by Jonas Salk, a Jew; The wonder drug Streptomycin for Tuberculosis was invented by a Jew, Zalman Waxman.  And the list goes on.\

Oh yes, Muslims can’t even call a doctor on a cell phone because it was invented in Israel by a Jewish engineer. 

The Global Islamic population is approximately One Billion Two Hundred Million, or 20% of the world’s population.  They have contributed seven (7) Nobel Prizes.  The Global Jewish population is approximately Fourteen Million, or 0.02% of the world’s population.  They have won one hundred and twenty-nine (129) Nobel Prizes in Medicine, Economics, Physics, Peace and Literature. Not much of a comparison for contributing to the world’s knowledge. 

Do Muslims really want to boycott anything that originates with the Jewish people?  Who cares?


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