The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Start With Lunch

Dear editor:

Well, Little Miss “I quit as Governor of Alaska” so I could make ridiculous statements (and make big money) has done it again. She stood before a Christian School gathering and complained about the idea of the government stepping in and demanding healthy meals for students. She then asked the audience who they would rather have plan school lunches, “The government or the parents?” Good question but ignorance of why the government has stepped in isn’t the question. The question and answer is because the parents have failed miserably and have passed on their responsibility to someone else. Which is usually the case in matters like this.

If parents would go to bed 5 minutes later or get up 5 minutes earlier to fix a decent, well balanced meal for their children the problem wouldn’t exist. Or maybe they could be active in organizations like the PTA and demand proper food in the lunchroom if they can’t do it at home. Or they could go to school board meetings and see to it that the people they themselves elected to that board do something about the lunches fed to their children. Parents have the power to control all of this, but instead choose to complain and listen to Miss Palin blame the government for trying to do what they themselves failed to do. Blame is easy too, but the solution is easier if you really want to solve the problem.

Our country is rampant with situations like this and people like half term governor Palin are quick to comment and complain, but offer no viable, real-time, plausible solutions or improvements. They just make up sayings and numbers and try to look cute.

The people in office locally, statewide and nationally were put there by us (or at least some of us voted). And I mean Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Independents or whatever, are our fault. We allow them to pay no attention to us and get all that money from corporations, unions and lobbyists because they have a higher calling……”Getting re-elected.” And the new-comers who just were elected to the House and Senate and promised “change” and “taking back our country” will learn that lesson in a hurry. After all, we re-elect Congressmen who get caught red handed with illegal money in exchange for favored legislation, Senators who admit to having affairs, etc. We allow, and I do mean allow, the inmates to run the madhouse we call Congress for their own benefit and throw a crumb now and then to the populace.

Is this negative, pessimistic thinking? Yes. But it can be turned around by us, which is what the forefathers of our country thought when they wrote the Constitution. It was not a perfect document and needed to be changed sometimes as our country grew older, but the basis is there. Everyone should read it (including the amendments) over and over again, learn to ignore the cheap fix, lying loudmouth commentators on TV, and demand that the country come first, not re-election and money for the rich. What would happen to our national deficit if we could use all that money spent on elections?

Am I dreaming? Yes, I’m a dreamer, but what would happen if all of us dreamers got together and started just by taking care of our kid’s lunches and not depend on the federal government when we failed to do so. That would be a start.


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