The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Help Free Libya

Dear editor:

While the president and his administration talk about helping Libyan protestors by freezing assets, legalities, not going alone, and sending aid teams, the Libyan dictator is pummeling his own people with planes, tanks and superior weapons. What started as a peaceful demonstration in the capital of Tripoli has turned into a full blown revolution that is floundering and might soon be lost to the dictator Gaddafi while the UN, NATO and the president just talk. If the revolution fails the United States will share part of the blame. Why? American History.

We seem to have forgotten our own revolution and the help we received from another nation, namely France.

Without a French loan that helped pay our troops and buy munitions from them with their own money we might have failed. Without the landing of five battalions of French infantry and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780 that marched south we might have failed. Without the French fleet intercepting and defeating the British fleet we might have failed. Without that same fleet bottling up the British at Yorktown and supporting the Americans led by Washington ending our revolution we might have failed. In fact without French help we might today be using pounds instead of dollars and singing God Save the Queen.

In revolutions like Libya is experiencing history has shown that nations help nations. We stand in a position today with our air superiority to change the entire direction of the Libyan revolution and rid the world of a despot that has been in power for 42 years. And we can (and should) do it without putting any boots on the ground. The Libyan people themselves will take care of the ground war if we take care of the air, and with more than just a “No fly zone.” We have an aircraft carrier in the area that can do the job.

If we don’t, and spend all our time talking and wishing, this revolution will fail and our problems in the world will be even worse. We will show the world and our enemies what a “paper tiger” looks like.


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