The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Unshakeable Wrong Beliefs

Dear editor: 

I can’t help but be amazed at the misbeliefs of the Trump/GOP/White/Evangelical voter has today.  Polls show how out of touch these people are and point to their warped understanding of factual reality.  Three popular points describe how wrong they are in their following of Trump/GOP doctrine.

1: 37% of all polled Americans thought African Americans were the most discriminated-against group in America, with 21% saying white people, and 14% saying Native Americans. Trump voters polled a belief that 45% of white people faced the most discrimination, with 17% saying Native Americans and 16% claiming African Americans.  This in face of the face that America’s population is 75% White, 14% African American and 8.7% Hispanic.  The facts can’t possibly match and Trump supporters are believing in “Fake News” from Trump/GOP.

2: When it comes to religion, all Americans say Muslims at 29% are the most discriminated against, Christians at 29% and Jews at 8%. Trump voters polled that Christians at 54% were the most discriminated against, 22% Muslims and 12% Jews.  Once again this in the face that 83% of Americans profess to be Christians, with Muslims, Jews and Atheists totaling 4%.  The facts can’t possibly match and Trump supporters are believing in “Fake News” from Trump/GOP.

3. 56% of all Americans would rather have Barrack Obama be president whereas 21% would prefer Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy.  Wow.  But wait! Trump supporters went 45% for Jefferson Davis and 20% Obama.  Fits right in with Moore of Alabama who believes America was better off during slavery. Hello White Supremacy.

What it boils down to is the Trump voter, who will never question or change his support, is not interested in truth but rather the self pity belief that he is being taken advantage of and the president will change the world with his uneducated, unread, self serving “Fake News.”  


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