Comparative Loss of Freedom
News item: The Swift Boat Veterans, who ran the TV ads that attacked John Kerry’s decorated service during the Vietnam War, are now planning a TV attack series against AARP (American Association of Retired People) due to its opposition to the president’s plan to privatize Social Security. A war chest of money is being planned to produce and broadcast these ads, which the White House says it has nothing to do with.
History: In 1933 Nazi Germany’s “Brown Shirts” verbally (and sometimes physically) attacked anyone who opposed Adolph Hitler and his party. By use of Joseph Goebbels’ “Big Lie” standards they challenged anyone who dared and destroyed anyone who opposed them. If you dared to argue back, the Gestapo used the 1933 Enabling Act, which was passed to protect the country during trying times, and would arrest you in the middle of the night, send you to a concentration camp to be tortured, and would not allow any right of law to protect you. Adolph Hitler could have stopped it if he wanted to, but feigned ignorance of it.
Today: In 2005, organizations such as the Swift Boat Veterans, will verbally abuse anyone who opposes George W. Bush and his party. By use of Karl Rove’s “Big Lie” standards they, and the ultra- right wing FBI and Justice Department heads, will challenge anyone who dares oppose them. If you dare to argue back, the CIA, using the Patriot Act passed to protect the country during trying times, will spirit you off in the middle of the night aboard their super secret special plane, fly you to a foreign country, and torture you. You will have no rule of law to protect you. George W. Bush could stop it if he wanted to, but feigns ignorance of it.
This is a sad but true comparison. The plane exists and has been written about in the major newspapers. The major problem is that Americans are turning their backs on this and don’t want to know what is happening to their rights which are being stepped on by the current administration.
History: In 1933 Nazi Germany’s “Brown Shirts” verbally (and sometimes physically) attacked anyone who opposed Adolph Hitler and his party. By use of Joseph Goebbels’ “Big Lie” standards they challenged anyone who dared and destroyed anyone who opposed them. If you dared to argue back, the Gestapo used the 1933 Enabling Act, which was passed to protect the country during trying times, and would arrest you in the middle of the night, send you to a concentration camp to be tortured, and would not allow any right of law to protect you. Adolph Hitler could have stopped it if he wanted to, but feigned ignorance of it.
Today: In 2005, organizations such as the Swift Boat Veterans, will verbally abuse anyone who opposes George W. Bush and his party. By use of Karl Rove’s “Big Lie” standards they, and the ultra- right wing FBI and Justice Department heads, will challenge anyone who dares oppose them. If you dare to argue back, the CIA, using the Patriot Act passed to protect the country during trying times, will spirit you off in the middle of the night aboard their super secret special plane, fly you to a foreign country, and torture you. You will have no rule of law to protect you. George W. Bush could stop it if he wanted to, but feigns ignorance of it.
This is a sad but true comparison. The plane exists and has been written about in the major newspapers. The major problem is that Americans are turning their backs on this and don’t want to know what is happening to their rights which are being stepped on by the current administration.