The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Band-Aid Kids

Dear editor:

Well, the Band-Aid kids have done it again.  I think we ought to change the name of Congress to Johnson and Johnson.  They “solved” the Air Controllers’ problem by slapping on a last minute bandage instead of long ago attacking the Sequestra law that caused this and many other government funding problems.  It’s weird.  Just when it comes time for our Senators and Congressmen to get ready to fly home for another week off, they amazingly come to their senses and realize that they have to do something so that they are not delayed in starting their vacation from doing nothing.
When will our three branches of government stop standing on their faulty soap boxes and start doing what is right for the people?  At present we have 435 Congressmen and Women, 60 Senators, 9 Supreme Court Justices and one President.  These 505 people, all working within the Beltway of Washington, DC (Disneyland North), have the power to either work together and solve our country’s problems or screw things up.  For too long they have chosen to do the latter.
We have a Constitutionally Representative Government.  But for too many years the “Holy 505” represent only those people who they want to vote for them, so they can keep their jobs, and those who pave the way with gold so they can be reelected.  This is old news, but it is getting worse.  They take rock solid positions on matters that play up to the majority of what they feel are their constituents (their so-called base,) and don’t care what it does to the needs of the country. 
The result is, this fractured minority of 505, while “claiming” to do what’s right and stand on principle, is actually trying to destroy what the majority of 312.8 million need.  The key word here is “need.”  And that is a working, problem solving government that does not throw Band-Aids at all of our problems and gives timely solutions to the huge financial problems of this country.  Neither side is right and neither side is wrong, Republican or Democrat.  If they don’t do that, all those social issues that seem to be so important these days will strangle us.
I have always believed that it is the job of the majority to protect the rights of the minority.  Well it’s about time for the minority 505 to protect the country of the majority.  If they can come together and agree on a compromise of our financial situation all else will in time be solved.