The Old Curmudgeon

These are my writings, letters to the editor, and thoughts all gathered in one place.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Georgia Tech Grad. Veteran. Retired, Writer.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Who Will Own America??????

News Item: Treasury Secretary John W. Snow said yesterday that the United States could be unable to pay its bills in early 2006 unless Congress raises the government’s borrowing authority, which is now capped at $8.18 trillion.

The outstanding public debt as of Dec. 30, 2005 is: $8,189,815,996,275.07

This continues to climb at an average rate of $2.83 billion per day. Each citizen’s share of this debt right now is $27,472.12. This is the increasing legacy we leave our children and grand-children.

Tax cuts of the Bush administration, which he and the Republicans in Congress are pushing to make “permanent,” will fuel more of this humongous deficit beginning in 2006 when two additional tax cuts will kick in, allowing people who earn upward of $200,000 a year to claim a larger write-off for a spouse, their children and other expenses, like mortgage interest on a vacation home. These write-offs were enacted in 2001 with an effective start date of 2006. These tax breaks will cost $27 billion over the short term, exploding to $146 billion from 2010 through 2019. Most of the benefits will belong to taxpayers who make more than $1 million a year.

The tax cuts of 2001, along with those of 2002 and 2003, have busted the budget. Of course the pre-emptive, phony war in Iraq has not helped, nor has the size of government which has ballooned under Bush and his administration. And if the tax cuts are made permanent the annual deficit is projected to reach $530 billion by 2015. And this is to say nothing of the cost and effect on our payments to cover our huge, growing imbalance of trade with other governments. With all the financing from and interest payments to foreign countries the question arises, who will own America?

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

Letter to Newsweek Magazine

Dear editor:

With all the hoopla about "Happy Holidays" vs "Merry Christmas" it is comforting to read Anna Quindlen's op-ed piece "Frankincense In Aisle Five" in the Jan 2, 2006 edition. Thank God someone has some common sense to see the absolute ridiculousness of religious fanatics such as Pat Robertson and his demand that we observe only his version of religion, and where he says to practice it. Someone should remind this religious dictator and his ilk that people go to stores, at this time of the year, not for bible thumping but rather for shopping and buying. We prefer to observe our religious beliefs in our personal life, our relations with others, and in our churches, synagogues, and mosques. We don't need a credit card to go there.

Happy Holidays Mr. Bush

(An open letter to President Bush)

Dear President Bush:.

On this Christmas Eve (2005) we have to stop and be thankful for all the wonderful gifts that you and your administration have given us:

No WMDs in Iraq, a pre-emptive war, torture, the absolute destruction of our civil rights and privacy due to illegal domestic spying, the worst government cronyism seen in generations, the biggest federal deficit (with no end in sight) ever seen, loss of respect and support around the world, a huge and growing imbalance of trade, a destructive poor response to the needs of citizens in hurricane ravaged Gulf Coast areas, questionable dishonest leadership in Congress, over 2,100 American troop deaths and over 15,000 casualties in the uncalled for Iraqi war, and the absence of truth and the loss of credibility of our executive branch of government (even with all the spin).

Thank you Mr. Bush. And a Merry Christmas to you and your religiously fanatical friends who object to “Happy Holidays.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Vice-President Cheney said that the use of wire taps authorized by the president, and not by a court, must be working. After all, he further expressed, the proof is in the fact that there has not been an additional attack by terrorists against America since 9/11.

That explains and proves my efforts on the home front. Every day I put garlic around our house property, and the result is that our home has not been invaded by vampires. Makes about as much sense.

Two faced and Unbelievable

News report: At the White House, spokesman Scott McClellan was asked to explain why Bush last year said, "Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so." McClellan said the quote referred only to the USA Patriot Act.

Doesn't even come close to what the president is saying now. His honesty and word are questioned all over the world for reasons just like this. McClellan is having a tougher and tougher time spinning the president's words and actions. This president thinks he is above it all (the law) and we are the dummies who accept anything he says. After all, didn't we re-elect him?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

For The Duration

It's starting to become clear to me.

First, President Bush keeps reminding us that we will have troops in Iraq for years to come and the "War on Terror" is going to go on for a long time. Secondly, he claims as Commander in Chief he has all the war powers he needs and can institute any actions that he deems necessary to protect America.

What's becoming clear is that he is laying the groundwork and self-given authority to further protect America by extending his presidency for the duration of the war. After all, he has expressed the position that he will continue to do what is necessary (according to him) "as long as I am president." All hail King George.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bush's Legal Advisors

Dear editor:

Mr. Bush claims that he has legal grounds to instruct the NSA to listen in to phone conversations and read emails of American citizens within the confines of the United States. This is called “domestic surveillance” and is illegal according to law.

Let’s see who gave him legal advice to the contrary. First there is Attorney General Gonzales, who was appointed by Bush and is an old friend from Texas. Next there is the White House counsel, who was also appointed by Bush and is considered “his attorney.” What do you expect them to say? They won’t go against the man who holds the purse strings and the power to get rid of them if they disagree with his wishes.

Don't Disagree

Our national leadership continues to show their disdain for those who disagree with them. Should anyone speak their mind in disagreement with the "powers that be" they are quickly put down with accusatory words. Some examples:

Mr Bush-The president consistantly labels anyone who is against his pre-emptive war as a "defeatist." In his Oval Office address he also repeated his warning against a rapid withdrawal from Iraq, saying that "to retreat before victory would be an act of recklessness and dishonor -- and I will not allow it."

Mr. Frist-Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) protested the "absolute cynicism" of daring senators to vote against a defense bill, accusing Republicans of violating a Senate rule that bars unrelated provisions from being added during final negotiations on legislation. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) accused Reid of "false bravado" and said he was "frustrated by being in the minority."

Mr. DeLay-The prosecutor in charge of Mr. DeLays trial is a "Democratic operative."

Mr. Cheney-Anyone against the war is a "nay-sayer and a defeatist."

What's the old saying we learned as children? "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me." Does that include the mud that these leaders are throwing?

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bush Authorized Snooping

Dear Editor:

It has been widely reported in the media that the president, after the 9/11 attacks, secretly authorized the NSA to violate the law and monitor phone calls and emails involving American citizens living in the United States. Mr. Bush has admitted issuing this directive during his weekly radio address to the nation and lashed out at those involved in publicly revealing his program. "This is a highly classified program that is crucial to our national security," he said, hiding behind that favorite phrase of his, and is used to justify every questionable thing he does. “I will continue to do (this) as long as I am president of the United States," Bush said. Pay heed to these words America.

Mr. Bush has put America and the world on notice, whether we realize it or not. He is telling us that no matter what the law is, he will continue to trample and destroy our rights of protection and civil liberties that this country was founded on, “as long as I am president.” This also means that no matter if the Patriot Act is changed or defeated in the Senate, he and his administration will continue to apply that over the top law as he sees fit, “as long as I am president.” In other words he knows best, wants us to trust him, and the laws and foundations of our government are meaningless if he secretly says so. It also means his words to the world about torture are worthless and he will do anything he sees fit, “as long as I am president.”

We may feel safer today from foreign attack, but our biggest problem by far is a domestic attack coming from 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue (The White House) as long as he is president.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More For Iraq Not For America

Dear editor:

News story: "US may seek 100 billion dollars more for Iraq. The White House said that it would seek more money for Iraq next year in an emergency spending bill that one prominent lawmaker recently suggested could total 100 billion dollars."

What about New Orleans, the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Cameron Parish, the thousands displaced by the hurricanes, the federal deficit, Medicare, Social Security, the prescription benefit for seniors, and on and on? It seems the only course the president wants to stay on is sending money to Iraq and letting our country sink in a river of red ink and second class status in the world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

We're No Better

Dear editor:

The New York Times today reported “The Iraqi Interior Ministry insisted Monday that none of the 625 prisoners discovered last week in an Iraqi detention center had been tortured or abused, despite assertions by American officials to the contrary. Sami al-Anbagi, director general of the Interior Ministry, said there had been "no mistreatment or torture. Only a few guys were slapped on their faces. The prisoners who were taken to the hospital didn't have any serious injuries. They suffered from headaches only."

This doesn’t match very well with the reports coming from American authorities and from our military that discovered the Iraqi torture prisons. On Nov. 15, American soldiers entered an Interior Ministry basement and found 169 malnourished prisoners, some of whom, the Americans said, had been tortured. Many were in such bad physical condition that they had to be hospitalized after on the scene treatment by American medical personnel.

Now I understand why Mr. Cheney, Ms. Rice, and Mr. Bush feel so confident about the future of Iraq. Evidently they share the same mindset as the Iraqi leadership about torture and the absolute denial of same. We are no better than they are.

Will someone now explain to me again why we are in Iraq? WMD? Democracy? Over 2,100 American troops killed and over 15,000 wounded? Nation building ala Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice? Who are we kidding?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Happy Festivus

With all the stink being made by the extreme, religious right zealots about the president's "Happy Holiday" cards, I have made a decision. I am not this year going to recognize, nor celebrate, Channukah, Christmas, or Kwanza. I believe we should all celebrate along with George Costanza's father (The Seinfeld Show) the holiday of "Festivus," that he invented. Then we can insult everyone and no-one. Happy Festivus!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas Cards

Let's see......over 2,000 American troops killed, over a billion a week paying for the pre-emptive war, torturing prisoners (of course they deny it), thousands upon thousands along the Gulf Coast homeless, medical care costs going through the roof, outsourcing of all industries in America (except gaarbage men), airlines going bankrupt, the government going crazy destroying rights thanks to the Patriot Act, the cost of heating out of reach of many, and on and on.

But what are those fanatical, religious, evangelical, right wing, bigots worried about? The president's holiday greetings card doesn't say "Christmas." Major problem it seems for these nuts. In case no one told them, the president is leader of all people in the country not just those that agree with his religious teachings.

Holy mackrel, I'm defending George Bush. I guess the holiday makes for strange bedfellows.

Misplaced Effort

Mr. Bush speaking from the White House about one of the cities in Iraq:

"As soon as the fighting in Najaf ended, targeted reconstruction moved forward. The Iraqi government played an active role, and so did our military commanders and diplomats and workers from the U.S. Agency for International Development. Together, they worked with Najaf's governor and other local officials to rebuild the local police force, repair residents' homes, refurbish schools, restore water and other essential services, reopen a soccer stadium, complete with new lights and fresh sod. Fifteen months later, new businesses and markets have opened in some of Najaf's poorest areas, religious pilgrims are visiting the city again, construction jobs are putting local residents back to work. One of the largest projects was the rebuilding of the Najaf Teaching Hospital, which had been looted and turned into a military fortress by the militia. Thanks to the efforts by Iraqi doctors and local leaders, and with the help of American personnel, the hospital is now open and capable of serving hundreds of patients each day."

Gee, if only he felt the same way about some of our cities and put the effort and money into there. Speaking about those cities and locales on the Gulf Coast......New Orleans, St. Bernard Parish, Cameron Parish, Mississippi Gulf Coast, Pensacola, and on and on. All these places get are words, while the effort of our money, our military, and favored civilian companies go to Iraq at the rate of billions a week. And he won't have to kill any more American troops to get that done.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

McCain Compromise

Open Letter to Senator John McCain

Dear Senator:

It has been reported in the media that you are close to an accommodation with the White House on the McCain amendment that outlaws torture in all forms. This would apply to all agencies and armed forces of the United States. Although I realize that compromise is part of the democratic process, I hope in this instance you haven’t gone that route, as this is too important an issue.

Remember, when you compromise your ethics and beliefs, you are no longer ethical or believable.

Secretarial Misinformation

Dear Editor:

Two Secretaries of State have been mired in the same mud of administration lies, deception, and spin. Mr. Powell and Ms. Rice have both been caught in this web of deception by pushing the Bush/ Cheney/Rumsfeld policy of we’re never wrong, and always right when it comes to America’s actions pertaining to Iraq and the so-called war on terrorism.

Mr. Powell took flawed intelligence to the United Nations to try and convince the world body, and the American public, that the Saddam regime in Iraq possessed WMDs that were a threat to the USA and the rest of the world. We were told by his boss, Mr. Bush, that we couldn’t wait until there was a “mushroom cloud” over our cities. The former Secretary has since stated that he was misled and has misgivings about his speech to the UN. He came clean.

Ms. Rice now has taken the podium and denies that the US has anything to do with secret CIA flights and prisons, and that we as a country abhor torture. Rice did not confirm or deny the existence of the prisons, saying, "We cannot discuss information that would compromise the success of intelligence, law enforcement and military operations." She further stated that intelligence cooperation between the United States and European countries has "helped protect European countries from attack, helping save European lives," In other words US actions that she claims helped European countries never really happened. That’s called spin from an expert.

No wonder other countries do not trust the word of the United States any more. The reputations of two very good people have been smeared due to their loyalty to the president and the use of bad information, denials, spin, and out and out lies that his administration has made its legacy.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Rumsfeld Criticizes Media

Dear Editor:
Truly amazing that Mr. Rumsfeld took out after the press and those that disagree with the administration on what is happening in Iraq. Of course it is typical of this administration, from the president on down, that anyone who disagrees with the cabal in the White House and Pentagon is unpatriotic, untruthful, not supportive of our troops, and invites a terrorist attack.

In his latest statement, Mr. Rumsfeld criticized the media’s coverage of the war, accusing it of a rush to report negative stories about the US military. He called on the media to hold themselves to account for coverage that he said has failed to provide the “full story,” by focusing on bombings and attacks or sensational allegations. It makes one wonder if he is talking about the media or describing what the administration has failed to do on the subject of the selling of the Iraqi war to the Congress, the American People, and the United Nations. They have never admitted their poor judgment or their preconceived notion of attacking Iraq, no matter what the truth was. Is that what is known as the pot calling the kettle black?

Mr. Rumsfeld also took the media to task for focusing too much on the deaths of Americans in Iraq instead of the “accomplishments” there. It is amazing that a leader of our country, the Secretary of Defense, should make light of American military deaths, while idolizing so-called “Iraqi accomplishments.” Makes you wonder who he works for.