It's Time To Stop
Dear editor:
There is so much being said about the war in Iraq these days, and most of it has to do with the fact that the American people are not in favor of the way it is being handled or whether or not the action was worth it. Now even Republican Senators and Congressmen are questioning the wisdom of the decision making process that put us in this morass. Poll after poll shows that the American public is fed up with the death toll of over 1,700 (and climbing daily) of its fighting men and women, and over 10,000 wounded. That is to say nothing of the constant cost of lives of Iraqi citizens.
We read that while the majority of those polled in our country feel that we cannot cut and run now that we are in Iraq, but they also feel that the war wasn’t worth it and it was a mistake to be there in the first place. Many of us have felt that way from the very beginning.
But why isn’t anyone putting the responsibility for this carnage where it belongs? Why isn’t the public shouting and screaming about the people who put us there? Why doesn’t someone come right out and call a spade a spade and say the words we all know to be true, no matter what our political leanings might be? It is not un-American, and you can still be supporting our troops, by saying what we all know. The “evidence” and reasons for going to war were lies and the truth was twisted to suit the personal desires of George Bush and company. They are the ones responsible for the deaths of all those Americans and Iraqis. When that group said that there were “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, that Saddam was behind the 9/11 disaster, that there were mobile chemical laboratories, that Iraq was buying uranium, they were lying to us and the whole world at the United Nations. The “Downing Street Memo” clearly confirms that the administration was intent on going to war with Saddam Hussein long before 9/11 and that Bush and Co. were twisting and using the term “terrorist threat” for their own aims. They are still using that term as an excuse for anything they do.
Are we as dumb and accepting as they think we are?
There is so much being said about the war in Iraq these days, and most of it has to do with the fact that the American people are not in favor of the way it is being handled or whether or not the action was worth it. Now even Republican Senators and Congressmen are questioning the wisdom of the decision making process that put us in this morass. Poll after poll shows that the American public is fed up with the death toll of over 1,700 (and climbing daily) of its fighting men and women, and over 10,000 wounded. That is to say nothing of the constant cost of lives of Iraqi citizens.
We read that while the majority of those polled in our country feel that we cannot cut and run now that we are in Iraq, but they also feel that the war wasn’t worth it and it was a mistake to be there in the first place. Many of us have felt that way from the very beginning.
But why isn’t anyone putting the responsibility for this carnage where it belongs? Why isn’t the public shouting and screaming about the people who put us there? Why doesn’t someone come right out and call a spade a spade and say the words we all know to be true, no matter what our political leanings might be? It is not un-American, and you can still be supporting our troops, by saying what we all know. The “evidence” and reasons for going to war were lies and the truth was twisted to suit the personal desires of George Bush and company. They are the ones responsible for the deaths of all those Americans and Iraqis. When that group said that there were “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, that Saddam was behind the 9/11 disaster, that there were mobile chemical laboratories, that Iraq was buying uranium, they were lying to us and the whole world at the United Nations. The “Downing Street Memo” clearly confirms that the administration was intent on going to war with Saddam Hussein long before 9/11 and that Bush and Co. were twisting and using the term “terrorist threat” for their own aims. They are still using that term as an excuse for anything they do.
Are we as dumb and accepting as they think we are?