Bush Leadership
The reasons for these moves are obvious, and they aren’t leadership or to save money.
The Reserve and the National Guard are having major recruiting problems due to the constant deployments that are needed for Bush’s so-called war on terrorism. Because of these recruiting problems the army has not been able to fill its needs to authorized levels. That is the real reason for the cutbacks.
The cutback in the development and production of the F-22 fighter is a sign that the president is once again passing the buck. This would take money now planned to spend in 2007, during Bush’s presidency, and putting it off into the next administration. We are not saving money, just moving it. Gratification now and more debt later. Once again he is piling additional debt onto our children and grandchildren. Of course he will, as usual, claim credit for doing something that is actually nothing. You know, like WMDs in Iraq, One Child Left Behind, and Rebuilding New Orleans.