Rumsfeld Speech
The Bush Administration has turned loose the dogs of propaganda and all members are giving speeches praising the President’s decision to go to war in Iraq and demonizing anyone who speaks out against his actions. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, who has done practically nothing right about Iraq, has taken the lead dog position and become propaganda chief.
Mr. Rumsfeld, in a speech this week, accused anyone who speaks against the war of being “appeasers” and practically the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain in his dealings with Nazi Germany prior to the beginning of World War II. Talk like that is not only insulting to the American public (2/3 do not agree with the handling of the war by “W” and Company,) but also shows a complete lack of, or twisting of, history and truth. Of course that has become standard for this administration.
What Rummy fails to bring out in his diatribe is the fact that when Prime Minister Chamberlain appeased Chancellor Hitler for “peace in our time,” it was after Germany had already taken over Austria, taken over the Sudetenland, and invaded a neighboring country. Of course we all know that was followed by the Nazi war machine invading Poland with the resulting World War II. As bad, vicious, and dictatorial as he was, Saddam Hussein had not invaded another country. (When he did invade Kuwait, Bush’s father, with the blessing of the UN intervened, kicked him out, and destroyed his WMDs.) The present president had no such reason to invade and anyone against the war is not asking for appeasement. (This has nothing to do with the invasion of Afghanistan, the home base of Osama Bin Laden, who with the cooperation of the Taliban, was responsible for the attack of 9/11.)
Mr. Bush with his “war-time presidency,” has tried to link terrorism with 9/11, with the war in Iraq, with Saddam Hussein, with WMDs that never existed, and with anyone who opposes him.
If the opposition appeased anyone it was the cabal in the White House, when they went along with the president and authorized a war and expenditures, which was based upon false information that was concocted to buttress a reason for attacking Iraq. They did it to fight the “war on terror,” which is the modern version of “peace in our time.”
Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, Mr. Rumsfeld, and even Ms. Rice, can make all the speeches they want, accusing others of endangering America, of “cutting and running,” of being “appeasers,” and giving solace to the enemy, but nothing will cover up their insolence and ineptitude. They, and no one else has hurt America so badly.
Mr. Rumsfeld, in a speech this week, accused anyone who speaks against the war of being “appeasers” and practically the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain in his dealings with Nazi Germany prior to the beginning of World War II. Talk like that is not only insulting to the American public (2/3 do not agree with the handling of the war by “W” and Company,) but also shows a complete lack of, or twisting of, history and truth. Of course that has become standard for this administration.
What Rummy fails to bring out in his diatribe is the fact that when Prime Minister Chamberlain appeased Chancellor Hitler for “peace in our time,” it was after Germany had already taken over Austria, taken over the Sudetenland, and invaded a neighboring country. Of course we all know that was followed by the Nazi war machine invading Poland with the resulting World War II. As bad, vicious, and dictatorial as he was, Saddam Hussein had not invaded another country. (When he did invade Kuwait, Bush’s father, with the blessing of the UN intervened, kicked him out, and destroyed his WMDs.) The present president had no such reason to invade and anyone against the war is not asking for appeasement. (This has nothing to do with the invasion of Afghanistan, the home base of Osama Bin Laden, who with the cooperation of the Taliban, was responsible for the attack of 9/11.)
Mr. Bush with his “war-time presidency,” has tried to link terrorism with 9/11, with the war in Iraq, with Saddam Hussein, with WMDs that never existed, and with anyone who opposes him.
If the opposition appeased anyone it was the cabal in the White House, when they went along with the president and authorized a war and expenditures, which was based upon false information that was concocted to buttress a reason for attacking Iraq. They did it to fight the “war on terror,” which is the modern version of “peace in our time.”
Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, Mr. Rumsfeld, and even Ms. Rice, can make all the speeches they want, accusing others of endangering America, of “cutting and running,” of being “appeasers,” and giving solace to the enemy, but nothing will cover up their insolence and ineptitude. They, and no one else has hurt America so badly.