Global Warming and Dumbya
From the Associated Press: November 17, 2007
The Earth is hurtling toward a warmer climate at a quickening pace, a Nobel-winning U.N. scientific panel said in a landmark report released Saturday, warning of inevitable human suffering and the threat of extinction for some species. As early as 2020, 75 million to 250 million people in Africa will suffer water shortages, residents of Asia's megacities will be at great risk of river and coastal flooding, Europeans can expect extensive species loss, and North Americans will experience longer and hotter heat waves and greater competition for water, the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says. The potential impact of global warming is "so severe and so sweeping that only urgent, global action will do," In the best-case scenario, temperatures will continue to rise from carbon already in the atmosphere, the report said. Even if factories were shut down today and cars taken off the roads, the average sea level will reach as high as 4 1/2 feet higher than the preindustrial period, or about 1850.
While the European Union has taken the lead in enforcing the carbon emission targets outlined in Kyoto, the United States opted out of the 1997 accord. President Bush described it as flawed because major developing countries such as India and China, which are large carbon emitters, were excluded from any obligations. He also favors a voluntary agreement.
Leave it to GWB to claim that so much has changed since the Kyoto agreement in 2001 (Ha!) and now he can recognize the dangers. A man with the foresight of an infant that has endangered this country and planet while helping his carbon emission buddies in private industry. He figures he can drag his feet until out of office and leave the problem to the idiot (anyone who wants that office at this time must be one) who inherits the presidency, along with the wars he started and the huge debt he has caused.
The Earth is hurtling toward a warmer climate at a quickening pace, a Nobel-winning U.N. scientific panel said in a landmark report released Saturday, warning of inevitable human suffering and the threat of extinction for some species. As early as 2020, 75 million to 250 million people in Africa will suffer water shortages, residents of Asia's megacities will be at great risk of river and coastal flooding, Europeans can expect extensive species loss, and North Americans will experience longer and hotter heat waves and greater competition for water, the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says. The potential impact of global warming is "so severe and so sweeping that only urgent, global action will do," In the best-case scenario, temperatures will continue to rise from carbon already in the atmosphere, the report said. Even if factories were shut down today and cars taken off the roads, the average sea level will reach as high as 4 1/2 feet higher than the preindustrial period, or about 1850.
While the European Union has taken the lead in enforcing the carbon emission targets outlined in Kyoto, the United States opted out of the 1997 accord. President Bush described it as flawed because major developing countries such as India and China, which are large carbon emitters, were excluded from any obligations. He also favors a voluntary agreement.
Leave it to GWB to claim that so much has changed since the Kyoto agreement in 2001 (Ha!) and now he can recognize the dangers. A man with the foresight of an infant that has endangered this country and planet while helping his carbon emission buddies in private industry. He figures he can drag his feet until out of office and leave the problem to the idiot (anyone who wants that office at this time must be one) who inherits the presidency, along with the wars he started and the huge debt he has caused.