Arizona Ignorance
I know my pen (or keyboard) has been silent for quite a while, but allow me to explain the reason for this. It must be either I have writer’s block or bitching and complaining block. Take your pick. But today I saw a story online that blew me out of that brain dead phase (ala Lewis Black), albeit temporarily. Allow me to explain in a very short note.
Arizona, which has decided to completely ignore the Constitution of the United States by installing a Nazi procedure of demanding proof of legally being in the U.S. by demanding to see the “papers” of those who “might look” like they are illegal, are now attempting to go a “goose-step” further with a new bill going thru their legislature. Now they want to declare babies born in this country to illegal immigrants as “non citizens” and eligible for deportation. Hasn’t anyone in that heat stroked state read the Constitution of the United States?
The Fourteenth Amendment of our Constitution in Section 1 states very clearly: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” That’s right, anyone born in this country, in any of the 50 states, is a citizen no matter what their heritage. (Birthers please take note of that)
Do those evidently uneducated members of the Arizona legislature have a hard time understanding those very clear words written by the duly elected members of Congress and ratified by two-thirds of the States? Aren’t these the same jokers that point with pride to the Second Amendment which gives “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms?” Can’t have it both ways.
Arizona, which has decided to completely ignore the Constitution of the United States by installing a Nazi procedure of demanding proof of legally being in the U.S. by demanding to see the “papers” of those who “might look” like they are illegal, are now attempting to go a “goose-step” further with a new bill going thru their legislature. Now they want to declare babies born in this country to illegal immigrants as “non citizens” and eligible for deportation. Hasn’t anyone in that heat stroked state read the Constitution of the United States?
The Fourteenth Amendment of our Constitution in Section 1 states very clearly: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” That’s right, anyone born in this country, in any of the 50 states, is a citizen no matter what their heritage. (Birthers please take note of that)
Do those evidently uneducated members of the Arizona legislature have a hard time understanding those very clear words written by the duly elected members of Congress and ratified by two-thirds of the States? Aren’t these the same jokers that point with pride to the Second Amendment which gives “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms?” Can’t have it both ways.