The Danger in Perry's Plans
Sometimes you hear political campaign rhetoric and you recognize it for what it is and go back to your normal train of thought and life. But, there are times when you can’t get it out from under your skin, know the danger of it, and slowly but surely watch the pot boil. Well, after long study and consideration of Gov. Rick Perry’s platform, the pot has boiled. One has to look into the devious suggestions he is making in his book Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America From Washington and being accepted by so many non-thinking followers who do not see the reasons behind his disastrous ideas and how one plays upon the other. Please read and understand.
1-End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment. The original Article One, Section 3 of our Constitution calls for the Senate to be composed of two from each state [chosen by the Legislature] for six years. In April 1913 the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified giving the right for the election to the U.S. Senate to be accomplished by the people of each state. This was meant to be an additional freedom granted to the citizens of the states, who had the right to choose their own Senators.
So why does Rick Perry want to trample on this American freedom of our casting a ballot? Only one reason can be found. For the past 50 years it is a fact that traditionally state legislatures have been Republican dominated, especially in rural, southern and Midwestern states. If one can control those houses, who now will choose the U.S. Senators, you will have a guaranteed permanent Republican Senate Majority in Washington. More on this as we go along.
2-Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section 1. If one reads American history they will find and understand that one of the fears of the populace and Constitution framers was the possibility of the courts to become politicized and be accountable to the powers that ruled the country. Examples of this can be found in all European history. As a result, it was decided by the writers of the Constitution and reaffirmed by the individual states that “The Judges , both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.” This would allow for true respect for the law even though there are times when many of us disagree with the judgments they hand down. To change this part of the Constitution would do two things:
a-Put politics back into the choosing of a justice so very often, even though we have to admit their initial choosing has become somewhat political. But once they are in, it’s over.
b-This would give Rick Perry’s idea of controlling the Senate thanks to state legislature approval a leg up on controlling the court politically by the Republicans opening the door for his religion based beliefs for America.
3-Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court Decisions with a two-thirds vote. He doesn’t understand what checks and balances are. Now when you consider points one and two above, it obviously becomes clear what a possible despot wants to do to our country and form of government.
The Constitution was carefully and beautifully written to allow for a system of checks and balances between the three branches of our government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) so that no one branch of this three headed beauty could rule the others. If the Congress passes a law the President does not accept he can veto it (check #1) and send it back to Congress. If the Congress disagrees with the President it can override his veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses (check #2.) The bill can also go to the Supreme Court for interpretation and final (somewhat) decision (check #3). If Congress is unhappy with the turndown by the court it can pass an Amendment with states’ approval and override the court (check #4.) All of this is meant to protect the citizens of the United States from demagoguery. And Perry wants to do away with it.
When you consider all three of these points of ignorance by Perry you can understand the danger to our freedom he is proposing. This also would open the door for his extreme right wing Tea Party points of Making Abortion illegal throughout the country and Changing the Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.
In other words, Perry wants all of America to live within his personal religious and political guidelines. I can’t help but think that King George must be rolling in his coffin laughing at his former colonials.
1-End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment. The original Article One, Section 3 of our Constitution calls for the Senate to be composed of two from each state [chosen by the Legislature] for six years. In April 1913 the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified giving the right for the election to the U.S. Senate to be accomplished by the people of each state. This was meant to be an additional freedom granted to the citizens of the states, who had the right to choose their own Senators.
So why does Rick Perry want to trample on this American freedom of our casting a ballot? Only one reason can be found. For the past 50 years it is a fact that traditionally state legislatures have been Republican dominated, especially in rural, southern and Midwestern states. If one can control those houses, who now will choose the U.S. Senators, you will have a guaranteed permanent Republican Senate Majority in Washington. More on this as we go along.
2-Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section 1. If one reads American history they will find and understand that one of the fears of the populace and Constitution framers was the possibility of the courts to become politicized and be accountable to the powers that ruled the country. Examples of this can be found in all European history. As a result, it was decided by the writers of the Constitution and reaffirmed by the individual states that “The Judges , both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.” This would allow for true respect for the law even though there are times when many of us disagree with the judgments they hand down. To change this part of the Constitution would do two things:
a-Put politics back into the choosing of a justice so very often, even though we have to admit their initial choosing has become somewhat political. But once they are in, it’s over.
b-This would give Rick Perry’s idea of controlling the Senate thanks to state legislature approval a leg up on controlling the court politically by the Republicans opening the door for his religion based beliefs for America.
3-Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court Decisions with a two-thirds vote. He doesn’t understand what checks and balances are. Now when you consider points one and two above, it obviously becomes clear what a possible despot wants to do to our country and form of government.
The Constitution was carefully and beautifully written to allow for a system of checks and balances between the three branches of our government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) so that no one branch of this three headed beauty could rule the others. If the Congress passes a law the President does not accept he can veto it (check #1) and send it back to Congress. If the Congress disagrees with the President it can override his veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses (check #2.) The bill can also go to the Supreme Court for interpretation and final (somewhat) decision (check #3). If Congress is unhappy with the turndown by the court it can pass an Amendment with states’ approval and override the court (check #4.) All of this is meant to protect the citizens of the United States from demagoguery. And Perry wants to do away with it.
When you consider all three of these points of ignorance by Perry you can understand the danger to our freedom he is proposing. This also would open the door for his extreme right wing Tea Party points of Making Abortion illegal throughout the country and Changing the Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.
In other words, Perry wants all of America to live within his personal religious and political guidelines. I can’t help but think that King George must be rolling in his coffin laughing at his former colonials.